Arie Yass

“Tomorrow I will march for you, mom and dad. I will march in the central boulevard of Tel Aviv. Unlike you, dad, marching in Warsaw sewers, away from the starving, rebelling ghetto. How could a human being survive in the sewers for a whole week? Would any of us, today, survive even one day in there? But the Germans started setting fire to the ghetto buildings, one by one, aiming to wipe them all off the face of the earth, not leaving even one Jew alive in this world. And you and your friends wanted to live.

Tomorrow I will march in Tel Aviv. Unlike my mother, a young girl of twenty years old, marching between hostile villages around Warsaw. Sleeping in the fields, come summer or winter, digging holes for the night in snow or frozen ground. And at daytime – looking for a job. As a seamstress, or whatever, working for women in remote villages. Helping a rural teacher, or a farmer who still had her heart in the right place. Three years of marching. Would any of us, today, survive even a week like that? On this Holocaust Remembrance Day, I shall be part of a unique event taking place at Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv – the “Brave Together” march – commemorating your marches, mom and dad, in Warsaw sewers and Polish fields.”

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